Slágermúzeum: Boney M. - Mary_s Boy Child _ Oh My Lord (videó)

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Boney M. - Mary_s Boy Child _ Oh My Lord

Mary's boy child
Jesus Christ was born on Christmas Day
and man will live for evermore because of Christmas Day
long time ago in Bethlehem so the Holy Bible said
Mary's Boy Child
Jesus Christ was born on Christmas Day.
Hark now hear the angels sing
a King was born today
and man will live for evermore because of Christmas Day
Mary's Boy Child
Jesus Christ was born on Christmas Day.

While shepherds watched their flocks
by night they see a bright new shinig star
they hear a choir sing a song

the music seemed to come from afar.

Hark now hear the angels sing
a King was born today
and man will live for evermore because of Christmas Day
hm hm

For a moment the world was aglow
all the bells rang out
there were tears of joy and laughter
people shouted let ev'ryone know
there is hope for all to find peace.

How Joseph and his wife Mary came to Bethlehem that night
they found no place to bear her child not a single room was in sight
and then they found a little nook in a stable all forlorn
and in a manger cold and dark Mary's little boy was born
Hark now hear the angels sing
a King was born today
and man will live for evermore because of Christmas Day
Mary's Boy Child
Jesus Christ was born on Christmas Day.

For a moment the world was aglow

Oh my Lord
you send your son to save us
oh my Lord
your very self you gave us
oh my Lord
that sin may not enslave us
and love may reign once more.

Oh my Lord
when in the crib they found him
oh my lord
a golden halo crowned him
oh my Lord
they gathered all around him
to see him and adore.

Oh my Lord
with the child's adoration
oh my Lord
there came great jubilation
oh my Lord
and full of admiration
they realized what they had (until the sun falls from the sky)

Oh my Lord (well praise the Lord)
they had just begun to doubt you
oh my Lord (he is the truth forever)
what did they know about you.

Oh my Lord (so praise the Lord)
but they were lost without you
they needed you so bad (his light is shinig on us)

Oh my Lord (oh my Lord so praise the Lord)
with the child's adoration
Lord (oh my Lord
he is a persontion).
There came great jubilation
oh my Lord (so praise the Lord)
and full of admiration
they realized what they had (until the sun falls from the sky)
e just can't go wrong.

Látta 3737 ember.

Vágólapra másolás




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